Three Good Reasons for Buying and Installing Exterior Shutters

Exterior shutters on most windows are a nice decorative touch. Though they usually are decorative rather than functional, they still add plenty of interest to a home's exterior. Here are just a few good reasons for buying and installing window shutters on your home. Curb Appeal If windows are the "eyes" of the house, then shutters are the eyelashes. You can tell the difference immediately when you pull up in front of a home that does not have shutters versus one that does. [Read More]

3 Red Flags That Signal It's Time For Replacement Windows

Caring for your windows is an essential part of any effective home maintenance plan. Investing in replacement windows for your property can be a costly endeavor, so it's important that you carefully take the time to consider when you should purchase somewindow replacements. Watching for a few red flags will help you honestly evaluate the condition of your existing windows in order to justify the expense of replacing your home's windows when the time is right. [Read More]

3 Tips For Brightening Up Your Dark One-Window Bedroom

If you have a dark bedroom with only one window, you may wonder if there is anything you can do to bring a little extra light into the space. If so, use one or more of the following tips for brightening up your bedroom. Place a Mirror Across from Your Window One simple thing you can do to add some light to your bedroom is to place a large mirror across from the one window in the room. [Read More]

3 Design Elements to Consider When Replacing a Window

If you have a window that needs to be replaced, you are going to want to make sure that you think about not just the function of the window, but how the window will fit with the rest of your home. #1 External Features First, you need to pay attention to the external features of your other windows. What type of frames do your other windows have? What color are the frames? [Read More]