
4 Reasons Windows Fail

Windows don't always last forever. For a variety of reasons, windows can eventually fail. Window Failure Reason #1: Poor Installation One of the major reasons that windows fail is because they are not installed properly. Installing windows properly requires special skills and training in order to place and seal the window in a way that will not damage the window or your home. Poorly installed windows shorten the life of your windows and put your home at risk for water damage.

How To Choose High-Quality Glass For Your Home Renovation Project

There will always be many choices that have to be made when you're planning a home renovation project. Many Americans are putting in more glass in their homes to bring in more natural light and to improve curb appeal. However, when it comes to glass, quality is a major factor. Your choice of glass can have very positive or very negative effects in the future. Whether it's for an internal door or an external window, there are several important factors to consider when adding glass to your house during a home renovation.

Are You Fixing Up A Pre-Owned Vehicle?

Are you shopping for a pre-owned vehicle for yourself or for somebody else? For example, maybe you have a new driver in the family. If so, you might have determined that it would be very convenient for him or for her to have a car to take to a part-time job and to sports practice. Or, maybe your spouse's vehicle needs to be replaced. Whatever the reason that you are buying a previously owned vehicle, from arranging for auto window tinting services to making repairs, here are some ideas that might help you.

3 Benefits Of Buying Custom Blinds For The Windows In Your Home

Many people head to a mass market retail store or home improvement store when it's time to buy blinds for their windows. Instead of doing this, though, you may want to order custom blinds for your home. A few of the benefits of buying custom blinds for your home's windows have been listed here. 1. Avoid the Hassle of Finding the Right Blinds If you have a new home to decorate or if you are completely re-doing the inside of your home, then you have a lot of shopping to do.

What Is Window Flashing?

When you have a window installed, it is important to understand all the different components of the window and how each component works together to protect your home. Most people know about the glass pane and the window frame. One part of the window installation process that is often overlooked is the flashing. The flashing is an important part of installing a window, as it protects the area around your window and home from water leaks.

Making Your Home More Energy Efficient With New Windows And Doors

Heating and cooling your home shouldn't cost more than the mortgage payment every month. Doors and windows that do not seal tightly can allow air to get in or out of the house around them. The efficiency of the heating and cooling system will be reduced as a result, and the cost of operating it will be higher.  Checking For Air Leaks Checking the doors and windows in your home for air leaks is relatively simple.

There's A Storm Brewing: What You Need To Know About Your Storm Shutters

If you live along the eastern seaboard, you've got to be concerned about hurricanes. One good storm can wipe out your home. Luckily, there are some steps you can take to protect your home from storm damage. One of those ways is by installing storm shutters on your home. If you haven't installed storm shutters on your home, now's the time to take care of that. If you're thinking that plywood will provide you with the protection you need, you're not entirely correct.

Why Would You Have To Have Your Shutters Custom Made?

Much like any other home fixture or feature, you can either go out and buy already made shutters for your windows or go directly to a company and have the shutters custom made. A lot of homeowners wrongly assume that having the shutters custom made is unnecessary because you can get the same thing already built at just about any retailer. However, there are specific situations when buying custom shutters is the more logical thing to do.

Squaring Up a Door Job: What it Is & Why it's Done

So, it is finally time to replace that beaten-up front door you have. Will you spend $250, or $5,000? Yes, that is the price range to replace a front door these days. Of course, it will not mean a thing if the door frame is not squared up. Here is more information on what squaring up a door frame is and why it is necessary prior to installing a new door follows.

Exterior Home Maintenance

You want to make sure that you pay just as much attention to the exterior of your home as you do to the interior of your home. However, the truth is many homeowners do put more attention to the interior of their home since that is the area they tend to spend the majority of their time in. When it comes to the exterior of your home, you want to make sure you pay attention to the following areas and properly maintain and/or take care of repairs before other things end up going wrong.