What Is Window Flashing?
When you have a window installed, it is important to understand all the different components of the window and how each component works together to protect your home. Most people know about the glass pane and the window frame. One part of the window installation process that is often overlooked is the flashing. The flashing is an important part of installing a window, as it protects the area around your window and home from water leaks.
Flashing Material Goes Around Replacement Windows
Flashing is also known as weatherproofing material. It goes around the outside of your windows. The flashing is applied around the top of your windows and the side of your windows against your home as the windows are installed. The purpose of flashing is to keep moisture out of your home.
Flashing is not applied to the bottom of your windows. This is intentional as the lack of flashing on the bottom of your window allows moisture to make its way downward.
Comes In a Variety of Materials
The flashing material itself is made to be very lightweight as well as flexible. It can be made out of a wide variety of materials, ranging from rubber to stainless steel and aluminum. No matter the type of material, the job of flashing is to provide a waterproof surface between your house wrapping and your windows.
Sheet metal flashing is often used because it is thin, flexible, and easy to bend and manipulate. Vinyl flashing is often used together with vinyl siding and vinyl windows. Flashing tape is a new form of flashing that has a plastic base and also has a membrane that is self-adhering, making it easier to apply the flashing around your home.
Concealed During the Installation Process
Flashing is put around the top and sides of your window. It is added during the installation process. When flashing is properly installed, you will not be able to see it. It should be installed around the frame where the window is going. You shouldn't see flashing peeking out from around our window once it is properly installed. It is tucked around your window and helps internally protect the window.
The proper way to install flashing is to make sure that the house wrap is tucked inside of the home and is then sealed up with flashing on top of the house wrap. The double combination of house wrap and flashing is designed to ensure water doesn't get inside of your walls and cause damage to your home.
Replacing Improperly Installed Window Flashing
When flashing is not properly installed, one of the biggest side effects is water damage.
There are a variety of ways to spot water damage from improperly installed window flashing.The most obvious is finding water around the edges of your window, literally leaking into your home. Oftentimes, though, water damage is not as obvious. If the paint around your windows starts to crack or bubble up, that is a strong sign that water is leaking in around your window and damaging your home.
Once you deal with the water damage and make sure that you don't have a mold problem, you need to deal with your window. You don't need an entirely new window if the flashing was not installed right; you just need to repair the flashing. Repairing the flashing is a labor intensive process, but it is ultimately less expensive than installing an entirely new window.
To fix improperly installed flashing, the siding around your home to be removed. Then, the sealant around the flashing has to be removed. After the flashing is removed, new sealant is placed around the window, and new flashing is slid into place. After that is all complete, the siding is put back in place, and the window repair is complete.
Flashing is an important component in the window installation process. Flashing helps ensure a watertight seal is created around your window and ensures water is not able to get into your home and damage it. If you have a window where the flashing was not properly installed, the old flashing can be changed out and replaced without removing the existing window, providing you with the waterproof protection that your window and home needs. A qualified window professional can replace improperly installed flashing for you.